
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Romania, Banatului Mountains, Ochiul Beiului, Beusnita

The Nerei Gorge are the most beautiful gorges from Banatului Mountains which are located in the Eastern Carpathians (or Romanian Carpathians), in the west part of Romania being part of Southern Romanian Carpathians; they are often associated with a subgroup of Western Romanian Carpathians. The region I refer is Aninei Mountains, which are located between the DN57 (Moldova Noua) national road and DN57B (Anina, Oravita), at about 30km of Moldova Noua and 25km of Oravita, in the Caras-Severin county.

You may also want to follow this:
Romania, Banatului Mountains, Cheile Nerei 

Way of access
By road: Timisoara -> Lugoj -> Resita -> Anina -> Oravita -> Sasca Romana;
By road: Drobeta Tr Severin -> Orsova -> Baile Herculane -> Mehadia -> Iablanita -> Bozovici -> Oravita -> Sasca Romana;
Cheile Nerei - Way of access map

This 1-day route starts from Sasca Romana, passes a wooden bridge and follows for 1 hour the track named "La Tunele" ("@Tunnels"); then arrives at "Podul Beiului" (bridge) and turns to the left following the Beiului river to Ochiul Beiului (lake) and Cascadele Beusnita (waterfalls) markers.
Between the objectives:
- the tunnels from "La Tunele"; I counted a number of 7 tunnels, from which the longest one has about 50m;
- Podul Beiului - the start point to Ochiul Beiului (lake), Cascadele Beusnita (waterfalls) and Cheile Nerei (gorges);
- Cascada La Vaioaga (waterfall);
- Valea Beiului (valley) with camping and trout farm;
- Ochiul Beiului (lake);
- Cascadele Beusnitei (waterfalls);
All the objectives are part of "Cheile Nerei-Beusnita" National Park.


Sasca Romana to Cascadele Beusnitei map

Wooden bridge passes Nera

 On the way to La Tunele

 La Tunele marker

 View of Nera from La Tunele

Passing La Tunele

The first and the shortest tunnel

Tirolliana on La Tunele

 Passing La Tunele

 Large group passing La Tunele

 The second and the longest tunnel

 Stones on la Tunele

 Vegetation nearest Nera

 Other tunnel

 Another tunnel

Podul Beiului
Start point for Ochiul Beiului, Cascadele Beusnitei and Cheile Nerei

 Marker to Ochiul Beiului lake

 Wooden bridge over Nera

 Vegetation tunnel

Beiului River

 La Vaioaga Waterfall marker

 La Vaioaga Waterfall

 Green / blue colored lakes on the way to Ochiul Beiului

 Large lake nearest the Beiului Valley

 Beiului Valley - Camping

 Beiului Valley Shelter

 Beiului Valley - Trout farm

 Vegetation tunnel

 Calcareous small waterfalls on Beiului river

 Calcareous small waterfalls on Beiului river

 Ochiul Beiului Lake

 Ochiul Beiului Lake

 Markers to Cascadele Beusnita (waterfalls)

 Calcareous small waterfalls on Beiului river

 Calcareous small waterfalls on Beiului river

 Cascada Beusnita 1

Cascada Beusnita 1

You may also want to follow this:
Romania, Banatului Mountains, Cheile Nerei 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yes indeed, there are more to say about this "piece of heaven". I just tried a short briefing here... anyhow, your comment is 50 percent on topic and 50 percent commercial - so you have to excuse me, but I do not intend to make a commercial blog here ;)
